During my Web Design class, I created a concept app, Firebuds, tailored specifically for college students. The assignment included designing a visually appealing and functional interface, crafting a captivating website landing page, and constructing a distinctive logo.

Firebuds is a music community platform that allows college students to engage with and explore their musical passions. Within the app, users are invited to curate and showcase their musical preferences while immersing themselves in the diverse tastes of their peers.
App Screens (created with Adobe Illustrator and Figma) 
Feel free to interact with the app by copying/pasting this link into your browser: https://www.figma.com/proto/lVCzDjmMDQfFmraNwI0opZ/AidenM---Screens-(Copy)?type=design&node-id=1-36&t=q3Q7DSXVm8vBB9bw-1&scaling=scale-down&page-id=1%3A3&starting-point-node-id=1%3A35&mode=design

Screens Video 

Website Landing Page​​​​​​​

Logos and App Icon

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